Hotels: Thailandthailand hotels

Hotel & Resort Guide:
Club Aldiana Siam

Maximum number persons in one room:
2 adults + 2 children up to 4 years
2 adults + 1 child up to 17 years

Children sharing a room with parents, are entitled to an extra bed at the following per child rate: Period III
01.05.00 - 31.10.00
Children up to 4 years Free
1 child over 4 years up to 17 in twin room with 2 adults 25 US $
1 child over 4 years up to 17 in twin room with 1 adults  31.50 US$
1 child over 4 years up to 17 in Single Room 50 US $
children over 4 years up to 17 in one room 31.50 US $
